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Little Librocubicularist

A teenage girl from a faraway land. I major in procrastination, minor in sleep and food. I love to read young adult books and listen to my kind of music. I’m barely 5’1”, I wear red glasses, and I love to spend most of my time in the comfort of my bed. Voila!!! I’m your little librocubicularist ^_^

Currently reading

Daughter of Smoke & Bone
Laini Taylor
There You'll Find Me - Jenny B. Jones “What is it you want, Finley Sinclair?” Some peace. Some healing. To hear God’s voice again.

Moving. Touching. Just what I needed at the moment.

I thought this book was just going to be about a girl meeting a famous celebrity in Ireland. They don't like each other that much so they decide to work together. But little by little, the feelings started to change as they get to know each other better. Well yes, the book is sort of like that, and so much more.

It's about love, loss, family and understanding. It's about facing the world and letting go. It's about forgiveness and acceptance. It's about finding yourself and talking to God. It's not about hearing, but more of listening.

I just adore how inspirational this book is. It is witty and funny at the same time. And the romance bloomed beautifully. I don't even know how to describe it. All I know is that I was truly moved by this book. I felt connected with it, like I know how Finley is feeling. I feel like it's very relatable. To be honest, I'm not a very religious person, but I do go to church on Sundays and pray sometimes. I had my own share of doubts. But wow! Just read this okay!? :D

"God, I don’t know what lies ahead or what will happen next. But you’re going to be there, aren’t you? Even when the world tricks me into thinking you’re not. Things are going to be different. I’m going to be different. And I’m going to get it right this time.”