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Little Librocubicularist

A teenage girl from a faraway land. I major in procrastination, minor in sleep and food. I love to read young adult books and listen to my kind of music. I’m barely 5’1”, I wear red glasses, and I love to spend most of my time in the comfort of my bed. Voila!!! I’m your little librocubicularist ^_^

Currently reading

Daughter of Smoke & Bone
Laini Taylor
When Summer Ends - Isabelle Rae The first time I've read this was on Wattpad with the its old tile, The Perfect Summer Had to End Sometime. It was part of the What's Hot list so I gave it a try, and I have to admit, it's one of those few well-written stories on that site. Though it may not be a literary masterpiece as compared to other well-known books, I still enjoyed reading When Summer Ends.

The story isn't that complicated. It's fun and just a nice break from all the intense drama and fantasy. Light and enjoyable. :) The writing isn't bad, though I've seen slight spelling errors. There are some very likable characters (maybe even too good to be true) and some romantic moments that will make you smile.

To sum it all up, it's a good start for Ms. Isabelle. The book wasn't to die for, but it did deliver enough for me to read it twice.

*warning: some scenes are not suitable for children :)